It snowed heavily last night. It was really nice. I wished that mom and dad was with us. Missing them and missing others too back home. But hati macam deny semua perasaan tu. I don't know why. Konon hati and perasaan kental la..
Malakoff run will be held tomorrow morning. I'm gonna miss that run as i was supposed to end my running events this year with that event. Rasa sedih pun ada. I miss running back home. I miss doing LSDs in the weekends. I miss running at KLCC park and also at the track of UPM stadium. *hmm, dalam diam u r running for malakoff?, terasanya sebab dapat tau pun dari orang lain. Anyway, have fun ya? *
Hm, tadi nampak ada orang running in the snow. I think u should go do that and experience it. Tetiba rasa down, hati tersentuh pun ada. I think i should go out. Till next post!
Malakoff run will be held tomorrow morning. I'm gonna miss that run as i was supposed to end my running events this year with that event. Rasa sedih pun ada. I miss running back home. I miss doing LSDs in the weekends. I miss running at KLCC park and also at the track of UPM stadium. *hmm, dalam diam u r running for malakoff?, terasanya sebab dapat tau pun dari orang lain. Anyway, have fun ya? *
Hm, tadi nampak ada orang running in the snow. I think u should go do that and experience it. Tetiba rasa down, hati tersentuh pun ada. I think i should go out. Till next post!
Running in the snow is fun...give it a try :)
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