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online purchase!

Posted by Fira Tirona at 8:43 PM 0 comments


I ordered to polka-dots shawl.I've always wanted those but susah sgt nak cari!. But now i'm happy sebab dah dapat!.Yeay!. Thanks to U made my day!.Oh, the owner of the blog kan has even her own shop, baru buka kat Shah Alam nearby MSU dihatiku (Hehe). So kalau ya'll nak tengok the the shawl i baru order tu. sila la layari blogspot tersebut.Siap ada nama i lagi owner blog tolong reserve kan. Macam-macam ada. And it is Oh So Cute!

P/s: Oh jezmine, pls do make custome made one day shoes coz me love kasut sangat2. :)


Me Love Food

Posted by Fira Tirona at 7:10 PM 0 comments
I admit, i love food! yum yum.And that makes me a foodie. When i was a child I find food fun. I'm always eager to try out new stuff. The color, texture, shape, size and taste fascinates me. For instance, I remembered my mom told me that when i was 5 years old, she said that while i was trying out "tempe", i told her that it tasted like cockroach.Thinking that i didn't like it, she thought that i would just dropped it on the floor or what not. But she was surprised that i kept on eating it along with my rice. Ever since that and being a "anak jawa", tempe have always been one of my fav food. *think sambal tempe and kentang..and oh! oh!, sambal goreng....hmmmmm....droooles*

Next good stuff that i memang akan cari kalau pegi makan nasi campur kat kedai kakak kelantan that i always go every sunday is.. IKAN KELI or gulai ikan pati yo!. OMG, u can say whatever about that fish but it is simply DIVINE!. tho its ugly looking (ikan keli), but the meat is soft and sweet. hmmmm yum!. Ikan patin on the other hand has also a soft and sweet texture. i called it "salmon malaysia".SEDAP ok!. Ikan patin is said to have good properties to healing wounds.

Next: NASI AYAM! *kat uptown sedap. nasi ayam hainan with taugeh*
Next: SUSHI *zanmai the best!*
Next:IPOH HOR FUN KAT KOPITIAM SEC 13. *ha amik, siap promote lagi*
Next: GOOD SANDWICHES like the ones at obriens

ok, blogging about food is making me hungry. Im going to stop here. Basically, i loooove foood and foods that are not well prepared/cooked/seasoned turns me off *snap snap*. Oh well you get the drift.

Tapi yang penting...choose good food, eat well and in moderation savor the best!

p/s: Are you a foodie too?.



Posted by Fira Tirona at 6:51 PM 0 comments

Hmm..more like.....
(suddenly teringat incident being chased by a chihuahua,my did i spell that right, o.w.e.told my self to run and save my perky butt.ok, i was 8 at that time.tq)

As today's blog title is about running. The adrenaline rush during the last runs i participated with the KILLER HEELS (nama team running saya, sgt sex and the city kan?) at DUKE and ekiden run made me want thirsty fore more of these events. Therefore, myself, along with my brother and other friends have signed up for another upcoming marathon which will be held next month at putrajaya. And the best part of it is that...kita akan lari waktu malam!. Yeay! Tak panas!. and BOO! tak boleh keluar dating tengok wayang.ahaha

Anyway, now tengah bersemangat training untuk berlari sejauh 7.7km!. So come and support me on the race day!. kedatangan anda semua amat dihargai :). oh ya, nak datang cuci2 mata pun boleh. *giggles*

p/s: o.w.e= oh wat ever!


Bagai Pinang Dibelah Dua

Posted by Fira Tirona at 9:40 AM 2 comments


This two fantabulous looking and intelligent people tied the note after 7 years of courtship. You both truly deserve one another. Moga masjid yang dibina diberkati dan berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat. Amin


Seiring dan Sejalan

Posted by Fira Tirona at 3:02 PM 1 comments

Rain or shine merry go round.4 years today.


Mama!, Kakak nak kawin gak!

Posted by Fira Tirona at 6:50 PM 0 comments

(courtesy of cantek please :) )

"Kawin tahun ni? Ish, tak la 2-3 tahun lagi (sambil buat muka sweet, ayu lagi confident)"

This will be the answer that i'll always give when asked "U bila lagi" or "Bila boleh rasa nasi minyak u plak". Adoi. (garu kepala). Cam ner nk kawin sekarang mak oii! Belaja pun habis lagi.OK, sekarang boleh tutup topic about when will i be getting married.

The final months of 2009 for me was filled with friend's weddings and engagements. Sampai tak terpergi pun semua. (Sorry eh kawan2). But anyhow, i'm always excited to see other people's wedding and engagement pictures. Its just that i'll just get amazed on how the wedding set up is done, how the hantaran deco is done (me even like to see what is on the dulang hantaran more.haha), the baju used by the pengantin, the theme of the wedding and so on..(lepas tu, akan berangan sorang2 on how my wedding will be..hmm.typical. tp tak kisah la janji diri happy.hahahha).
My dream wedding would be:
1) night garden wedding
2) nak pakai dress style modern tak pun baju kurung pesak gantung
3) live band (ceh ceh, over betul)
4) photographer and videographer yang terrer so that muka i dalam gambar nanti flawless
5) barang hantaran yang best. cake and cupcake fondant
6) ada fresh flowers
7) datang ker lokasi naik BMW X6.
8) tipu jer!. nama pun Dream Wedding. Tapi hakikatnya i would want a simple and nice and yet a memorable wedding for me, family and friends :)......(tapi kalau nak cincin emas putih with diamond dari tiffany boleh?.wah wah wah.sempat lagi tu)

Ok la, i better stop dreaming and think hard on what to give a dear friend of mine on her wedding this Friday!.

P/s: Its ok to dream. Yang penting wedding shoe kena tempah. LOL ;)


Cupcakes anyone?

Posted by Fira Tirona at 9:41 PM 0 comments

Mari la support ! :)

2010! Can we be best of friends?

Posted by Fira Tirona at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Its the new year!. And macam biasa, i've listed a few updated resolutions. I don't consider all new but just revised ones. 2009 has been rough for me and i berdoa everyday that this year will be better that i'll catch up with the pace and try to not to fall easily (i hope).Anyhow, my resolutions this year would be:

1) To finish up my thesis. (Long overdue)
2) To have a hot bod like Fergie's. (sambil buat muka serious) *giggles*
3) To have more patience and be a better person
4) To read more so that i could blog in a more creative manner and get paid. 8)
5) To train more so that i could sign up for more marathons
6) To save money every month and not to be so boros. Oh god please help me

Not only that, i would want to help my cousin on her baking biznes so that i could earn extra $$ to spend more.Haha. Haih baru kata nak save money. Hmmphh.

Hope that 2010 would be great year for all of you out there too. So here's a toast to a great life ahead. Cheers!
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