My next marathon is this coming Saturday. Excited!
But i fear that i will "pancit" after the 7km of running as i've not been training for the past 2 weeks as i was down with flu and fever on and off. Very frustrating indeed. Was planning to go run this evening but it rained and thus dampened my "semangat" tu run. Furthermore, i dislike running around the neighbourhood in the evenings as banyak sangat kereta la, lori la, bus la. And what annoys me most is that when teen/rempit/mamat2 gatal will start doing that annoying sound...ala..u know, the sound that u make when u call the mamak working at your fav mamak stall tu...It's annoying and not NICE!. I feel sexually harassed.Hahah. I feel much secure running near the neighborhood early in the morning say about 7am as only sensible people wakes up that early to start their day. Jangan marah ok "not-morning-person" people. But then again training at a park filled with health conscious people is still the best! (running with cute boys around is a bonus plus.LOL)
Hope to start running again tomorrow. I need at least 2 runs to prepare myself for this Saturday. Hope that i could run 10km without stopping then.