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The need of motivation for the passion/s we have

Posted by Fira Tirona at 9:31 PM
There are time that we feel down and melancholy about the issues faced in our lives. As for me, i tend to get worried when my passion or interest don't get full support especially from the people i love. Thank god that i have close friends, friends with similar interest and passion to share what i like doing. I'm not saying that people i love don't give me the support but sometimes they don't just give me that extra kick of support to what i do and that by end of the day i will feel disappointed with the things they say and the reaction they will give me when i tell them about it.

Ok, i'm being very vague here. Bet that you are thinking or digesting what i'm rambling about. i even posted something on my fb few minutes ago which reads:

"At times, u just need that someone or something that has got to do with your passion to get you motivated back again"
And to my suprise, this status of mine was "liked" by my friends and family. Padahal, i just tulis like bodo2 je. Well, maybe they could understand what i'm trying to express. Well, at least.hehe.

So I am feeling this way you might ask. Selama i hidup ni, there are things they i like to do, or what i wanna do, or what i want to be are being screened by my parents. Now macam dah kurang sket la but i still have to endure the arguments, debates and wat not on certain issues till i get the greenlight from them. Same applies to my other half as well.. Serious macam like kena argue bertegang urat sampai nak putus baru la nk kata OK. Haha, penah tak jadi kat korang macam tu. Bengang tak bengang tak?

Lets start when i was a little girl. Well, like normal growing kids, i've always wanted to be a doctor. Yer, cliche tapi yea, profession yang bagus. But the angan2 was not that long till i got merely an average greats during matriculation. Serious i fucked up (opps sorry) my whole year there. I memang tak boleh study kat sana. I felt so trapped as i was surrounded by straight A students. Bukan setakat student yang dapat 8A, yang 9-11A pun ada. And mine u. A1s ok?. OMG, stress gila. Mood nak blaja hilang. Everday pun nak balik rumah ( i was lucky sebab UM dekat je ngan rumah). So nak dipendekkan cerita, dengan results 'cantek' cam tu only la layak masuk IPTS. Kalau tau la jadi macam ni, patut amik je sports science kat uitm dulu. Minat gak tapi the reaction i got was " ha? amik sport science? pastu jadi ape? jadi cikgu PJ?". i was like..."ape kes?" nak jadi cikgu PJ tk yah ada degree pun tkpe kot? Lagi satu minat i nk amik Mass Comm tak pun TESL sebab deep down inside i tau i boleh nk ace course tu. Yelah saya suka membebel. Sekian. Ok. fine, niat terbantut.

So, masa enroll kat IPTS, my parents sebok soh i amik biomedic. Tapi niat dalam hati memang dah tawar hati ngn course yang ada perkataan "medic" kat belakang. Cam serik pun ada. I ni bukannya la ada otak geliga or jenis yang ngadap buku bio, chem or watever 24/7. OH NO NO. Tapi takpela, dah grad dah pun. Dapat la keje 1 year after that dapat sambunh Masters. Alhamduillah. And now tengah battle with my Master's thesis. Final sem, critical, dan hari2 berdoa agar Allah permudahkan segala final stages of it. AMIN

Ok, tu part academic la. Oh lupa plak nak citer pasal MUSIC. Well, i can play the piano. In fact i'm a 7th grade holder. Reason tak habiskan till grade 8 is that i time tu BZ ngn SPM. Tapi sampai2 sekarang tak habiskan pun. Bukan tak minat lagi dah. I still like playing the piano walaupun sedikit rustic but kalau pratice hari2 boleh la kot nak cari makan tapi taklah sampai nk jadi femes cam Alicia Keys or Yuna ( oh baju Yuna pakai masa AJL sangat lawa!. eh eh lari topic plak). Dulu ada band and i play the keyboard. Tapi separuh jalan jelah sebab my mom tak suka the idea of me pegi jamming kat studio. Laaa dah tu? Alicia Keys pun jam kat studio kot?. Haih, tak faham. Again, niat terbantut. Takpela, main untuk diri sendiri dengar je la nanti.

Next issue pasal sports. I have always been active i sports. Altho tkde la active macam atlit2 negara or international athelete. But ok la kalau nk peluh2 and kasi badan fit and and healthy. I ingat lagi time kecik2 dulu, nak masuk sports gempak2 tak boleh sebab badan cute sangat. Kalau setakat lontar peluru tu boleh la. Haha. So disebabkan tak boleh nk buat athletics my dad belikan roller blades, pastu beli mountain bike. Ala, tetiba lupa plak brand MTB i. But i remembered it was in blue. Sangat sayang basikal tu. pakai sampai hampir ranap, mana tak nya. turun tangga pun naik basikal. Ha, amik kau, ganas betul anak dara ni. Then, bila masuk uni, kawan2 ajak main futsal plak. best kot futsal. Of course la my parents tak bagi main kan. But i ni degil dan disebabkan tak dengar ckp parents, ankle kaki kanan i ntah brapa kali dah terseliuh. pegi class pun sampai kawan kena tolong papah. Yela, nak pegi class kena naik tangga. class pun slalu floor yang plg atas. Sedih betul. ahaha. Since, slalu sangat kaki terkehel, maka retire la dari arena futsal. Tapi kkdg hati tu rasa macam nk pegi gak main once in awhile. Tapi, tak mau la. sebab sekarang jaga kaki. Sebab ada passion baru which is running (insiden terseliuh kaki memang tak leh lari dari my life sebab time lari pun leh terseliuh. haih)

Ok anyway, balik pada cerita running ni. I started end of 2009. Masuk for fun je. Sebab stamina pun takde la gempak mana pun. Masa mula2 masuk event DUKE RUN, lari pun tercungap2 wpun only 5km distance dia. My parents ok la supportive gak pasal larian2 ni. TIME tu la. Sebab mungkin diorang ingat i ni macam tak la serious nk masuk benda2 macam ni. After that run, i rasa macam addicted. I registered in more runs. Duit pun banyak spend kat running attire and registration fee. So biasala, mom pun start pok pek pok pek. I pun cam pelik la, benda ni bagus kot? healthy activity. Still tak mendapat greenlight. Tapi my peak was after raya. Byk gila event i masuk. lari sini lari sana. Training sini training sana. Time tu tkde sape nak bising sape my parents takde. Even masa bulan puasa pun berlari gak sampai kena BANNED from running at night. I kena marah teruk dari my bro and bf. My mom marah gak la tapi dia macam cool gak. Sebab i msg dia and told her the reason of me doing so. I became active running pun sebab i met with up with friends with the same passion and interest. Diorang banyak membantu, banyak motivate. These people la yang paling faham i. Sangat happy to have known them. Wpun baru kenal, but i feel that they are very close to my heart. Cakap pasal running gak, i have a friend that is so passionate about this sports that i think he would do anything to be given an opportunity for him to go further in his passion of being a great athlete. His latest post made me realize how keen he is in the running world and how far he wants to go. Click to his blog, Running is my passion, art is my soul if you are an avid runner and give your support as well :). He's also a budding graphic design student.

So there you go. i feel that what ever your passion or interest are. You definitely have to need someone or something to motivate you. Not only for that spur moment but constantly so that you won't get offtrack. Well, memang boleh nak motivate diri sendiri tapi but i guess you just need a friend/s to be there for you. Right?


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